Welcome to our new Self Help Resource Centre! This section is here to help you design, optimize and transfer your artwork efficiently and as painlessly as possible.
All you need to do is find the category which best fits your question or issue then browse through our questions and answers. If you do not see the question that pertains to your situation, please feel free to email it to us. We will contact you as soon as possible to address your question.
This list is continuously increasing. Please check back frequently to pick up new tricks and more importantly… time and money saving tips!

Please ensure you supply a printed colour copy, or supply PMS or colour swatch reference number for colour matching. Please request a colour proof* if colour matching is critical, as not all colours can be reproduced digitally. In some cases for colour correction the file may be required in the format from which it was originally created in. e.g. PhotoShop, Illustrator.
The general rule of thumb at Kelly Signs for a bitmap file is CMYK 300dpi at 25% scale of the final output size. Meaning… if you require an image to be printed at a final size of 24″h x 24″w all we need from you is a CMYK 300dpi file at 6″h x 6″w.
While it is true smaller images created at 100% scale cause little or no issues, creating larger files at 100% scale for reproduction only results in unnecessarily large file sizes and slower production times. Files at 25% scale can look as crisp and vibrant as a file that is 100% scale.
As one would expect, we cannot guarantee high quality output as we have no control of the quality of the artwork submitted to Kelly Signs. Please ensure you send us the best possible quality image to ensure the best possible final product.
If your bitmap file exceeds 5mb you will need to transfer it using one of the methods outlined on our File Transfer tips page.
*Supplied colour proofs may incur additional charges.

We can accept vector artwork in several formats.
Please ensure you supply a printed colour copy, or supply PMS or colour swatch reference number for colour matching. Please request a colour proof if colour matching is critical, as not all colours can be reproduced digitally. In some cases for colour correction the file may be required in the format from which it was originally created in. e.g. PhotoShop, Illustrator.
The general rule of thumb at Kelly Signs for a vector file is CMYK at 25% scale of the final output size. Meaning… if you require an image to be printed at a final size of 24″h x 24″w all we need from you is a CMYK file at 6″h x 6″w.
While it is true smaller images created at 100% scale cause little or no issues, creating larger files at 100% scale for reproduction only results in unnecessarily large file sizes and slower production times. Files at 25% scale can look as crisp and vibrant as a file that is 100% scale.
As one would expect, we cannot guarantee high quality output as we have no control of the quality of the artwork submitted to Kelly Signs. Please ensure you send us the best possible quality image to ensure the best possible final product.
If your bitmap file exceeds 5mb you will need to transfer it using one of the methods outlined on our File Transfer tips page.
Note: If you are sending vector and bitmap (raster) artwork in the same file, send as eps file only. Include a hard copy showing what the combined artwork should look like. Please do not supply Word, Publisher, PageMaker, QuarkXpress and PowerPoint files or send vector images that are imbedded within another file. Please do not provide files that include “virtual outlines”. If an outline is required please make sure a vector path is in place of the “virtual outline”.

As one would expect, we cannot guarantee high quality output as we have no control of the quality of the artwork submitted to Kelly Signs. Please ensure you send us the best possible quality image to ensure the best possible final product.
If your bitmap file exceeds 5mb you will need to transfer it using one of the methods outlined on our File Transfer tips page.
The general rule of thumb at Kelly Signs for a bitmap file is CMYK 300dpi at 25% scale and vector file at 25% of the final output size as well. Meaning… if you require an image to be printed at a final size of 24″h x 24″w all we need from you is a CMYK 300dpi file at 6″h x 6″w.
While it is true smaller images created at 100% scale cause little or no issues, creating larger files at 100% scale for reproduction only results in unnecessarily large file sizes and slower production times. Files at 25% scale can look as crisp and vibrant as a file that is 100% scale. Click here to see our list of accepted file types.
As one would expect, we cannot guarantee high quality output as we have no control of the quality of the artwork submitted to Kelly Signs. Please ensure you send us the best possible quality image to ensure the best possible final product.
If your bitmap file exceeds 5mb you will need to transfer it using one of the methods outlined on our File Transfer tips page.
We can accept vector artwork in several formats. Click here to see our list of accepted file types.
As one would expect, we cannot guarantee high quality output as we have no control of the quality of the artwork submitted to Kelly Signs. Please ensure you send us the best possible quality image to ensure the best possible final product.
If your bitmap file exceeds 5mb you will need to transfer it using one of the methods outlined on our File Transfer tips page.
Transferring files…

If you need to send us a file over 5mb you can use our Loading Dock FTP service through our website: www.kellysigns.ca. Click on Upload Files in the blue bar at the top of all pages of our website then follow the simple, easy to use, instructions. Please see our list of accepted file types that you can transfer.
As long as the file size is less than 5mb, emailing your artwork will be fine. Attachments for any given email message cannot exceed 5mb as one attachment or several attachments combined or the message will be filtered out and never reach us. If you need to send us a file over 5mb you can use our Loading Dock FTP service through our website: www.kellysigns.ca. Click on Upload Files in the blue bar at the top of all pages of our website then follow the simple, easy to use instructions. Please see our list of accepted file types that you can transfer.
You drop in and we’ll only take a few moments to copy your artwork. If possible, please call ahead so we know you are coming and can be better prepared to serve you. Our address is:
Kelly Signs (2002) Inc.
2870 Sheffield Rd.
Ottawa, Ontario
K1B 3V9
Did you know…
As long as the file size is less than 5mb, emailing your artwork will be fine. Attachments for any given email message cannot exceed 5mb as one attachment or several attachments combined or the message will be filtered out and never reach us. If you need to send us a file over 5mb you can use our Loading Dock FTP service through our website: www.kellysigns.ca. Click on Upload Files in the blue bar at the top of all pages of our website then follow the simple, easy to use instructions. Please see our list of accepted file types that you can transfer.
Please note: Not all USB devices will work with our systems. From time to time there are USB device drivers that just will not work. Unfortunately, there’s really no way to tell until we try.
For opening and conversion to Adobe Illustrator CS4 and Adobe Photoshop CS4 we also use:
CorelDraw X3 | Corel Photo Paint X3 | Adobe InDesign CS4 | Adobe Fireworks CS4

There are a few simple things you need to do prior to sending us Adobe Illustrator files:
• All files must be saved as AI or EPS;
• All fonts must be converted to “outlines”;
• If text editing is required, all fonts must be supplied;
• All virtual outlines (pen outlines) must be set to “Scale strokes and effects”;
• All embedded images must be 300dpi or as close to it as possible;
• If dimensions are larger than 12″x12″, artwork must be designed 25% scale of final size;
• All colours must be CMYK
In the event these requirements are not met, Kelly Signs will return artwork for correction. If Kelly Signs is required to make any corrections, the client may incur additional hourly charges.

• All files must be saved as version X3 or earlier;
• All fonts MUST be converted to “curves”;
• If text editing is required, all fonts MUST be supplied;
• All virtual outlines (pen outlines) MUST be set to “Scale with image”;
• All embedded images MUST be 300dpi or as close to it as possible;
• If dimensions are larger than 12″x12″, artwork must be designed 25% scale of final size
• All colours must be CMYK
In the event these requirements are not met, Kelly Signs will return artwork for correction. If Kelly Signs is required to make any corrections, the client may incur additional hourly charges.

• All fonts MUST be converted to “outlines”;
• If text editing is required, all fonts MUST be supplied;
• All virtual outlines (pen outlines) MUST be set to “Scale strokes and effects”;
• All embedded images MUST be 300dpi or as close to it as possible;
• If dimensions are larger than 12″x12″, artwork must be designed 25% scale of final size
• All colours must be CMYK
In the event these requirements are not met, Kelly Signs will return artwork for correction. If Kelly Signs is required to make any corrections, the client may incur additional hourly charges.
If using an alternate font is not permitted by the client, the cost of acquiring the desired font may be passed onto the client at Kelly Signs discretion. In such cases, we recommend the client obtain the font as they will most likely have a need to reuse the same type style in the future.
Unfortunately, Kelly Signs does not possess every font out there. To save time and aggravation of sending artwork back to the client or requesting fonts from the client, many find the process easier to convert fonts to curves (CorelDraw) or outlines (Adobe Illustrator). By doing so, the text is no longer considered text which is linked to a specific font, the text is now treated as a graphical object. The drawback to converting text to an object is that the text will no longer be editable if spelling or phrasing changes are necessary. It is ALWAYS recommended to save a copy of all files where the fonts have NOT been converted to objects.
There are thousands of fonts in cyber-world, some free and some very expensive with copyright protection. When the time arises, Kelly Signs will obtain or purchase fonts to complete certain tasks, however, in many instances it is more practical to simply use alternate fonts which closely resemble the original fonts requested.
If using an alternate font is not permitted by the client, the cost of acquiring the desired font may be passed onto the client at Kelly Signs discretion. In such cases, we recommend the client obtain the font as they will most likely have a need to reuse the same type style in the future.
There are thousands of fonts in cyber-world, some free and some very expensive with copyright protection. When the time arises, Kelly Signs will obtain or purchase fonts to complete certain tasks, however, in many instances it is more practical to simply use alternate fonts which closely resemble the original fonts requested. If using an alternate font is not permitted by the client, the cost of acquiring the desired font may be passed onto the client at Kelly Signs discretion. In such cases, we recommend the client obtain the font as they will most likely have a need to reuse the same type style in the future.
In-house Design…
During the proofing process, we provide electronic proofs in the form of PDFs which are submitted to the client via email. The client will then reply with an approval or request changes and additional proofs reflecting those changes. Unfortunately, there are times when the proofing process can extend past the standard 3 free proofs as the client may be having difficulty visualizing what their design will look like. Tiny changes are made and many proofs are sent taking up the valuable time of everyone concerned. Depending on the situation, this can be very costly for the client in terms of an hourly design fee charged at Kelly Signs discretion.
When the design “mental block” occurs, we recommend our client visits our offices and sit with our designers. Our staff will take our clients step by step, making recommendations and suggestions, designing their graphics before their eyes. The end result is a great design, time saved and a VERY happy client!
Kelly Signs reserves the right to apply an hourly fee for in-house design consultation. Applying fees is determined on a case by case basis.
Kelly Signs reserves the right to apply an hourly fee for in-house design consultation. Applying fees is determined on a case by case basis.